Ossian's Grave
2nd turning left off the Main Cushendall/Ballymoney Road
about two miles from Cushendall, a megalithic court
cairn on a hillside in Lubitavish townland, near the
Glenaan River. Although dating from the Stone Age, it is
traditionally believed to be the burial place of Ossian,
the Celtic warrior poet.
a steep walk but the views are spectacular and worth the
Hewitt wrote a poem about this site. It was originally
called "Oisin's Grave: the horned cairn at Lubitavish,
Co Antrim," later in his collected works as "Ossian's
Grave, Lubitavish, Co Antrim."
A stone cairn was erected here in 1989
in memory of John Hewitt, the poet of the Glens
Ossian's Grave, Lubitavish, County Antrim
We stood and pondered on the stones
whose plan displays their pattern still;
the small blunt arc, and, sill by sill,
the pockets stripped of shards and bones.
The legend has it, Ossian lies
beneath this landmark on the hill,
asleep till Fionn and Oscar rise
to summon his old bardic skill
in hosting their last enterprise.
This, stricter scholarship denies,
declares this megalithic form
millennia older than his time -
if such lived ever, out of rime -
was shaped beneath Sardinian skies,
was coasted round the capes of Spain,
brought here through black Biscayan storm,
to keep men's hearts in mind of home
and its tall Sun God, wise and warm,
across the walls of toppling foam,
against this twilight and the rain.
I cannot tell; would ask no proof;
let either story stand for true,
as heart or head shall rule. Enough
that, our long meditation done,
as we paced down the broken lane
by the dark hillside's holly trees,
a great white horse with lifted knees
came stepping past us, and we knew
his rider was no tinker's son.